


Recruit Application

Infanterieregiment Nr. 63 is a vehicle through which committed persons can actively explore the experience of the German Infantryman in the Great War. Gathered together in the form of a typical Infanterie Kompanie, we strive to investigate the art of trench warfare. Each member may have different motives, but collectively our goal is the same. We seek to encounter, within reasonable bounds, the lessons of the Western Front, thus gaining greater insight into ourselves and history.

Like all select brotherhoods, Infanterieregiment 63 insists on the highest standards from its membership. To be counted as a Kamerad of JR63 one must believe in excellence and precision and by nature be assertive, mature, and willing to work side-by-side as part of a team. Together we achieve that which is beyond mere individualism. It is just this spirit of fellowship that binds each member to his Brothers-in-Arms and allows him to fully understand the meaning of Kameradschaft.

Please fill out the information below and when complete, hit "Submit Form" - if successful, you will be sent to a "Thank You!" page where you may select the "Pay Dues" Paypal link to submit your first year's dues.

(If paying by check or money order, please go back to the "How to Join" page and download the PDF version of the application, fill it out, and mail along with payment.)